Saturday, January 8, 2011

Some thought experiments on human society

Human society. A complex system of relationships defined by status, power, wealth, sharing, kinship etc. People for long have always fantasized about an utopian society where everyone is happy and is at peace with each other. So I started to wonder what really is the ideal/natural state of any system? Should there be an equilibrium? If there is one..should the system be moving towards an equilibrium?

For example lets take a simplistic view of a society represented by a colony of ants. Ants obviously have a simpler thought process. Follow the acid stench and get food to the ant hill. It seems as though the system is at equilibrium. Every ant looks like it is equal and has the same position in its system and every ant is "happy" doing what ever it is doing. Now lets turn to a human system. Why does it seem there is no equilibrium and if there is one..then this complex system doesnt seem to be moving towards it?Why are some people rich and other poor? Why is there so much inequality and it appears to get even worse? Or is this the natural status of a society? So it looks like with increasing intelligence these interaction systems become more and more complex.

 Lets say that we bring every human on the planet to the same level in wealth and position? What would happen? Spontaneously some people would start loosing money, behave in ways to lose respect and their position and some people would start gaining more wealth, power and position. Then it leads to the conclusion that some people by nature are destined to lose money and some to gain it. So as it happens the people with power and wealth are those who always love it and do whatever it takes to achieve it. Then it is easy to understand why people even after getting rich still want more of the wealth or power that they love. This can partly explain the current political system with in the human society. Either it be small colonies, cities, states, countries or block of countries, they strive for more power and wealth. And there is always a fight between them to wrest more wealth and more power from each other. Prime example being the US and its policies of world dominance. The US is ruled by politicians and bosses of multinational corporates who love power and wealth. And I see no reason why it will stop even after they become the richest or most powerful persons in their system. I see another such power in the rise of China. If one generation of their single party system's leadership are power/wealth hungry it will propagate all future generations like its happening now and will inevitably lead to clash with the US.

If that is so then why is there a backlash among the weaker and poor given they do not need power or happy with out wealth or power. Well I think its not so simple after all. There are a lot of forces acting in all possible directions here. And obviously there are some limits to how low or poor one can go. But I guess not matter how civilized or technologically developed humans become this seeming disequilibrium is going to stay. But meanwhile some boundaries could be vanishing. I think some trends to watch out for in this seeming disequilibrium are :
1 Fall in nationalism/patriotism and rise in one earth one human race sentiment.
2 Fall in religious beliefs and movement towards humanism
3 Fall in racial prejudice and increase in inter racial mingling
4 Fall in communication gaps, increase in usage of single language like English

Though don't pin your hopes on any of these happening in your life time.
But I believe that Love and Tolerance as proposed by many are definitely not the answer to a peaceful development of the human race, Love is impulsive and addictive (when it is not between genetically related entities) while tolerance is not a positive word and implies that it can not last for long.
I believe the answer is Mutual Respect and an unquestionable acceptance of the fact that every person is entitled to his own beliefs and values (of course only until they are not harmful to others).

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